Titelbild Bildung - Praxislernen

Practical learning (Praxislernen)

Practical learning as a special form of school-based learning takes place in cooperation with schools, educational institutions and companies. It offers pupils in grades 9 and 10 a practical approach to education and leads to a vocational qualification.

Practical learning at KIDS & CO

With its well-equipped workshops, recreation and training rooms and large garden, the SONNENECK youth education centre is a special place for learning and working - in an individual and trusting atmosphere - with space for creativity, new ideas, lots of activities, but also for fun and relaxation!

Practical learning takes place here on one, two or three days of the week, depending on the partner school's concept. Lessons are held at the schools on the other days of the week. Up to 18 pupils learn together in a practical learning group.

Our partner schools

  • Ernst Haeckel-Schule
  • Wolfgang-Amadeus-Mozart-Gemeinschaftsschule
  • Gretel-Bergmann-Gemeinschaftsschule
  • Georg-Klingenberg-Schule
  • Rudolf-Virchow-Schule
  • Jean-Piaget-Schule
  • Isaac-Newton-Schule
  • Schule am Rosenhain
Jugendbildungs-Haus Sonneneck
Jugendbildungs-Haus Sonneneck

Alt-Hellersdorf 29 – 31
12629 Berlin

Inga Schütt
Inga Schütt

Telephone: +49 (0) 30 / 99 49 92 67
E-Mail: info-pl(at)kids-und-co.de

Message to Inga

Our learning workshops

Kreative Medien
Küche & Service
Kitchen & Service
Mode und Design
Fashion & Design

Our learning topics

Six different occupational fields are available to the pupils. On the basis of strength tests, three occupational fields are initially identified that match the interests of the individual pupils. The orientation phase takes place in these occupational fields. The pupils try out a workshop for four weeks and then, together with trainers and social pedagogues, select an occupational field in which they will be specifically prepared for a future apprenticeship. Creative project work, experimental learning, work placements in companies and exploring occupational fields intensify the learning process, promote contact between the student and the company and help with the decision-making process for future training.

School subjects are prepared and practised in the work process using practical tasks. Social pedagogues accompany the students' development with individual learning aids, support with personal problems and counselling on the path to training. They also maintain close contact with teachers at the partner schools and parents.

Other educational programmes